
The crisis in Syria, accompanied with the COVID-19, had catastrophic socioeconomic impacts on Syria and consequently implied a new set of future scenarios and needs which imposed on all related stakeholders to adopt a two levels approach in all interventions, Emergency and Medium Term levels.  The firm has reviewed its vision and role and reshaped them accordingly and it could be summarized in:  

“Catalyzing interventions in consultancy, water and energy sectors that integrate both, responding to emergency needs as well as providing a solid ground for sustainable growth and development in Syria.  

Developing and implementing innovative solutions to respond to the immediate and long term changing and rising social, economic, cultural and institutional needs in Syria. In other terms, design solutions that integrate both the present and the future.
ALNOOR Consulting team provides services of highest quality and excellence combining innovative approaches with products that inspire clients’ confidence and trust. Innovation at all levels is a leading value.

Success Factors

  1. Strategy process and knowledge management translating both uncertainty and sustainability requirements into action plans,
  2. Flexible expertise and human resource development for a rapid response to market demands.  This is based upon a wide network of local experts and researchers, local field operators, and a solid network of regional and international partners and consultants, trainers and experts in technology transfer and installing.
  3. Working in cooperation with stakeholders in government, private sector, NGOs and citizens’ groups.
  4. Collaboration with local and international universities, research centers and laboratories.
  5. Cooperation with international consultancy firms.

Code of Conduct

  1. ALNOOR Consulting derives its code of conduct from the firm`s vision, mission, and core values. The company’s most critical asset is its professional credibility as a reliable partner for its clients.
  2. ALNOOR Consulting stands for a distinctly customer-oriented approach, supplying services and products with the highest ethical standards and professional integrity. This is how the firm inspires confidence and trust in all of its partners.

Technical Approach

Market Approach


  • Uncertain market with new
    opportunities but tight
  • Flexible partnership
  • Transfer knowledge to the
    company and to our
  • SMART business; i.e. small
    operating business, large
    experts roster
  •  Integrated business
    development allows for
    more efficient solutions
  • Smart solutions are vital for
    efficiency and
    competitiveness. They are
    based upon data
    management and analysis
    and IoT
  • New business and
    investment models.
  • Applied and short term
    training in management and
    vocational areas.


Beside their deep work experience, experts working with the firm have diverse academic background including PhDs and Masters degrees in economy, sociology, management, different engineering fields, health, development and other related areas. They all speak perfectly two languages at least, Arabic and English/French. 

Beside their deep work experience

They are well equipped with both excellent research and applied capacities in specialized areas including and not limited to: 


We have accumulated integrated knowledge and expertise through working with partners and clients and relying on a wide network of renowned experts in related areas who are deeply knowledgeable of the Syrian context before and during the crisis.  Our Clients include: 

Government institutions including Prime Ministry, line ministries including this of Economy, Industry, Water Resources, Electricity, Social Affairs, endowments (Awkaf), State Planning Commission, Family Affairs Commission, and academia such as Higher Institute of Population and others. Our services to the above-mentioned clients  covered diverse areas including policy formulation, innovative technical solutions design, institutional development, socio-economic research, capacity building and applied proposals development. 

INGO to which our work covered issues including labor market analysis, needs assessment, urban challenges, programs evaluation, and we participated in exploring the design of strategic approach to INGOs development interventions. INGOs we worked with include:

  • Non UN INGOs operating in Syria including DRC, NRC, MECC, OXFAM, GTZ and MAM regional planning EU funded program (the last two before 2011).

Private sector operating in Syria including representations such as chambers of commerce and industry, and companies including holding companies, oil and gas sub-contractors, water treatment companies and other. Areas we worked on with private sector included sustainable tourism, technical projects in the areas of alternative energy and water treatment, projects’ economics, and feasibility studies and restructuring and capacity building. We assisted in developing partnership between chambers and other bodies whether governmental, INGOs or NGOs to launch initiatives targeting communities support in sustainable development efforts. 


Areas of Activities


The impact of the crisis in Syria introduced new puzzles of needs and challenges which impose roles reshaping for both sectors, public and private. Strategy design and knowledge management are at the heart of a designing and implementing such reshape.

Approach and Services

In our new strategy, we insist on the organic relationship between both macro and micro levels and on the need to always assess their mutual impact. Accordingly, the firm has reshaped the type of interventions it provides to include:

  1. Design and carry out research and studies assisting in the assessment of current situation and in identifying solutions and designing applied programs.
  2. Developing and implementing solutions including carrying out market research, feasibility study and designing business plans, tailored-upon-need business models and adapting innovative approaches.
  3. Developing applied programs and projects and implement them.
  4. Change management, including needs assessment, analysis and prioritizing, scenarios’ development and analysis, policy and strategy development, identification a of innovative institutional solutions, implementing them and monitoring their performance.
  5. Building capacities to empower the client capability to sustain the change.
  6. Internal and external Communication development.  
  7. Resource mobilizing and managing.
  8. Mapping international and local stakeholders, mobilizing and coordinating partnerships.


The security of energy supply is a crucial factor for growth and development. The main current and future challenges for energy supply in Syria are scarcity and increasing prices of fossil fuels, the need to reduce energy intensity to stay competitive, and a need to increase capacity to deal with those issues. Energy efficiency is a priority, particularly in transition countries with obsolete industrial technologies and old building stocks, where refurbishment and the introduction of energy efficiency standards are regarded as the biggest challenge. 

The Alternative Energy market is currently growing not only in Europe but also in economies such as China and India. Challenges lie in the grid integration, especially of fluctuating sources such as solar or wind power, and in setting up support schemes for market integration.

Approach and Services

The design and implmentation of both conventional and innovative solutions that respond to both sustainability and electricity requirements. We provide services covering legal, technical, financial, institutional,capacity building  and awareness related areas. The firm‘s interventions are tailor-made responding to client purposes and emphasizing the situation specific needs of the targetd arket and local populations. Our services include:

  1. Design, Install, Operate a Maintain electricity generation solutions based upon renewable energy technology. 
  2. Improving Energy Efficiency: through developing and implementing micro and medium renewable energy solutions.
  3. Developing new financing models for energy efficiency.
  4. Human Resource Development is regarded a key element for institutions and utilities to meet the requirements of operating and maintaining micro and medium energy supply systems.
  5. The design and implementation of knowledge-attitude-practice surveys and information, education and communication campaigns. 
  6. Designing and insttalling tailor-made business models considering functionality, finances and operations as well as regional clustering that address effective operations and satisfying customer needs.
  7. Developing and delivering capacity building which incorporates training and skills transfer to relevant stakeholders as well as standardized training modules for administartive, financial and technical staff. 
  8. Project Management through mobilizing expert teams that are appropriately qualified according to the project’s specific needs. Subsequently, close monitoring and coordination of project activities, knowledge transfer from similar projects and evaluation of outputs and impacts.


The importance of water as a main input to agricultural activities and its increasing demand and the limited supply impose improving efficiency of solutions and applying strict monitoring and dynamic evaluation to be able to respond to the changing demand and supply and to the evolving related technologies and business models.


The firm uses its wide local and international network to link between theory and application in designing and implementing solutions. The above is based upon a continuous communications with stakeholders that allows, not only responding to agricultural needs, but also to launch a relevant and reliable policy discussion towards maximum efficiency and sustainable development. The firm activities in this field include:

  1. Tailoring and installation of compact modular three phases water treatment solutions for agricultural irrigation.
  2. Tailoring and installation of farm irrigation solutions.
  3. Designing and installing tailor-made business models considering sources availability and possible access to them to guarantee effective operating of water sources, preserving their sustainability and satisfying customer needs.
  4. Designing water treatment and irrigation solutions integrating alternative energy tailoring them to the available energy source (natural, bio-gas, solar or wind).
  5. Developing and delivering capacity building which incorporates training and skills transfer to relevant stakeholders as well as standardized training modules for administrative, financial and technical staff. 
  6. Project Management through mobilizing expert teams that are appropriately qualified according to the project’s specific needs. Subsequently, close monitoring and coordination of project activities, knowledge transfer from similar projects and evaluation of outputs and impacts.

The design and implmentation of both conventional and innovative solutions that respond to both sustainability and demand in both energy geenration and water networks. We provide services covering legal, technical, financial, institutional, capacity building  and awareness related areas. The firm‘s interventions are tailor-made responding to client purposes and emphasizing the situation specific needs of the targetd market and local populations.

We have developed our interventions to be able to respond to a more sophisticated and sustainable requirements of the water-energy nexus building upon circular economy principles and distributed value generation models where consumers and innovative technologies play a major role. Our services, provide a much higher flexibility and dynamism considering the demand profile, especially when hard and soft technologies are integrated in a tailored upon need business and financial models. The potential clients vary across the industrial, agricultural, services and residential sectors.

In the region and especially in the case of Syria, “avant-garde” distributed value generation provides an opportunity to better integrate SDGs into the developed solutions; i.e. environmental impact of value generation and consumption, creating new categories of jobs, smoothly introducing new technologies, assisting in building a solid and prosperous platform for partnership among the different stakeholders and other objectives, most importantly efficiently responding to the rising demand in both sectors.


Design M&E services that help improving, qualitatively and quantitatively, implementation, achieving goals and objectives according to indicators and that help improving the client competitiveness and response to immediate needs and to future development.


Inspection, M&E apply to all the above areas of activities (mentioned in I, II and III). Besides the systematic basis for inspection and M&E that include specifications, plans and indicators identified by clients and monitoring programs/projects implementation and outputs and evaluating their impacts and degree of achieving their goals, the firm always proposes an M&E integrated within the planning process, continuous and carried out in partnership with both clients and clients‘ beneficiaries and partners. Activities consist in providing a third party inspection, M&E services including:

  1. Components, materials and installed solutions inspections and reporting.
  2. Field monitoring, reports reviewing, data collection and analysis.
  3. Plans implementation monitoring and reporting.
  4. Continuous impact assessment and goals achievements, reporting and recommendations.


  1. Evaluation of MECC Local Support Project, 2021.
  2. JP HLP Partners Workshop: Reflections and Perspectives on Phase I, Review of HLP Framework and Preparations for potential Phase II, UN-HABITAT Syria, 2021.
  3. Lessons Learned Workshop – Pro-Resilience Action inside Syria – PROACT, OXFAM, Syria 2021.
  4. Evaluation of MECC Support Project in Rural Damascus and Homs, 2020.
  5. UNHCR Vocational Training Programme in three governorates in Syria Evaluation 2018-2019, UNHCR, Syria, 2020.  
  6. Child Labor in regions that were subject to terrorism and response options, Deir Ezzor governorate as a study case, ILO, Syria, 2020.
  7. National Strategy of Early Childhood Development in Syria, UNICEF, Syria, 2020.
  8. Integrated Human Resource Development in the Tourism Sector, design and producing the education curricula of the tourism secondary schools in Syria and training of trainers, ALFINEEQ for Sustainable Development and UNDP Syria, 2019.
  9. Restructuring and Change Management of a private tourism group operating in Syria, 2019 – 2021.  
  10. Gender Barriers, Social and Cultural Factors Affecting Women and Youth Accessibility to and Employability in Labor Market, Syrian Commission for Family Affaires and UNFPA Syria, 2018.
  11. Developing applied proposal for the installation of Solar Energy on-grid Solutions on the Mosques Roof Tops, Ministry of Endowment (AWKAF), 2018. 
  12. Analysis of the DRC Livelihood Strategic Framework in Syria, Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Syria, 2017.
  13. Establishing an Experts Discussion Forum UNDP Syria, 2016. 
  14. Local Markets Recovery, UN-Habitat Syria, 2016.
  15. The design and launch of a sustainable development program for the North-Eastern region of Syria in partnership with the Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the three cities in this region. The Chambers’ chairmanship together with T&M team members visited the several potential partners in the region across the boarders such as Urfa and the GAP project management in Southern Turkey in order to explore cooperation possibilities within the framework of this program, 2010-2011.
  16. Organizational and Functional Restructuring of the Chamber of Commerce in the governorate of Deir Ezzor in the northeastern region in Syria, 2010-2011.
  17. Support to the Preparation of the Syrian National Report to the RIO+20 Conference, 2011.
  18. Technical Review and Assessment of a file prepared to bid for the water treatment installation for Al Raqqa city in the northeastern region of Syria, 2010.

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